



イスクイルの統語論のルールはA4 1枚で収まるたったの9項目しかないのでとっても簡単!*1


  • 形成詞:単語のカテゴリの一つで、集合として名詞とか動詞とか叙述形容詞を包含する
  • 参照詞:ほぼ代名詞のことだと思っても差し支えない
  • 付属詞:形成詞・参照詞以外
  • 項:言語学用語、動詞を使うときに一緒に置かれる名詞みたいな意味


  1. 主節:動詞が1番目に来る
  2. 従属節:動詞が1番目に来る
  3. 動詞に続く項:動詞の近くに1〜9格を置くことが好まれるが必須ではない
  4. 同格の形成詞:被修飾語-修飾語の語順だが、意味が曖昧にならなければ修飾語-被修飾語でもよい
  5. 参照詞:(いわゆる代名詞は)動詞の次に置くか、関連する他の単語に続けて置かれる
  6. Modular, Affixual 付属詞:Modular, Affixual 付属詞は形成詞に先行する
  7. Register, Carrier, Quotative, Naming, Phrasal 付属詞:単語・句の開始や終了に対して置かれる
  8. 文と文の接続:主動詞形成詞・語頭マーカー付き形成詞が文頭
  9. バイアス付属詞:(いわゆる感嘆詞)発音する際は後ろに間を空ける


1. 主節(つまりUNFRAMEDな動詞形成詞を含む節)

1. Main Clauses (i.e., containing an UNFRAMED verbal formative): Default order is verb-initial. A formative with semantic focus is placed immediately preceding the main verb, while a semantic topic is placed in sentence-initial position.



2. 従属節

2. Subordinate clauses (i.e., case-framed) are mandatorily verb-initial. Formatives with semantic focus or topicalization must utilize the TPF affix.



3. 動詞に続く項

3. Arguments to a Verb: While the author tends to favor higher-order transrelative arguments to be closer to the main verb, such ordering is not mandatory and any ordering of arguments to a verb is acceptable as long as their case-marking causes no ambiguity.


4. 同格の形成詞

4. Formatives in Apposition: formatives modifying another formative (e.g., marked in one of the Appositive or Relational Cases) must be immediately juxtaposed unless a Case-Scoping affix makes their relationship clear. Default apposition order is that the modifying formative follows the formative being modified. However, this default order is only mandatory if the relationships between a series of successive formatives would otherwise be ambiguous. If not, then the two formatives may be in either order: modified-modifier or modifier-modified.



5. 参照詞(代名詞)

5. Referentials: Referentials follow the main verb to which they are arguments; however, if the Referential is topicalized or has semantic focus, then it may precede the main verb as per the first rule above. If associated with formatives other than the main verb, the Referential normally follows the formative or other Referential with which it is associated; however, if case-marking makes clear the association between the Referential and the formative (or other adjunct), then the Referential may precede its associated formative or adjunct.


6. Modular, Affixual 付属詞

6. Modular and Affixual Adjuncts: A modular adjunct normally immediately precedes a formative and is considered semantically part of it. An affixual adjunct likewise precedes its formative (or that formative’s modular adjunct). For formatives otherwise in sentence-final position, a modular adjunct or an affixual adjunct can be placed after the formative in sentence-final position.

「modular adjunctは通常、形成詞の直前に置かれ、意味論的にその形成詞の一部とみなされる。affixual adjunctも同様に、形成詞(または、その形成詞のmodular adjunct)の前に置かれる。文末にある形成詞に関しては、その文末にある形成詞の後に、modular adjunctやaffixual adjunctを置くことができる。」

7. Register, Carrier, Quotative, Naming, Phrasal 付属詞

7. Register, Carrier, Quotative, Naming, and Phrasal Adjuncts: Given that these adjuncts signal the beginning (and/or ending) of various specialized types of words/phrases, their position in a sentence is obviously determined by the beginning (or ending) of the word/phrase in question.



8. 文と文の接続

8. Juncture between sentences: The ultimate stress on a non-monosyllabic main verbal formative in sentence-initial position (including concatenated verbal formatives but NOT including any preceding adjuncts) shall be sufficient to indicate the beginning of a new sentence. Additionally, any sentence at the beginning of a breath group (i.e., an initial utterance or an utterance preceded by a pause for breath) shall require no further indication that a new sentence has begun. Otherwise, the first word of a new sentence shall take a word-initial prefix ç(ë)- to indicate the beginning of a new sentence. The form of the prefix before vowels is ç- (replacing the initial glottal-stop), while the form before consonants besides w- and y- is çë-. For words with initial w-, the ç- plus w- become çw-; for ç- plus y-, these combine to become çç-. All formatives and adjuncts have now been redesigned/modified where necessary to accommodate this without creating any ambiguities. When used before consonants besides w- and y-, the word-initial çë- prefix never takes syllabic stress (if necessary, add additional default syllables via Slots VIII and/or IX instead or by avoiding the use of a CA shortcut).

「文頭の単音節でない主動詞形成詞(連結された動詞形成詞を含むが、先行する付属詞は含まない)の最終音節にストレスアクセントがあれば、新しい文の開始を示すのに十分であるものとする。さらに、呼吸群(すなわち、最初の発話または呼吸のための休止が先行する発話)の先頭にある文は、新しい文が開始されたことをさらに示す必要はないものとする。それ以外の場合、新しい文の最初の単語は、新しい文の開始を示すために、語頭接頭辞ç(ë)-を取るものとする。母音の前の接頭辞の形はç-(最初の声門停止を置き換える)であり、w-とy-以外の子音の前の形はçë-である。頭文字がw-の単語では、ç-とw-が組み合わさってçw-となる。ç-とy-が組み合わさる場合はçç-となる。すべての形成詞および付属詞は、曖昧さを生じさせることなくこれに対応できるよう、必要に応じて再設計・修正された。w- と y- 以外の子音の前で使用する場合、単語の頭文字である çë- 接頭辞は音節のストレスが置かれない (必要に応じて、スロット VIII および IX でデフォルトの音節を追加するか、CA ショートカットを使用しないようにする)。」

9. バイアス付属詞

9. Bias Adjuncts: A Bias Adjunct should be pronounced with both a preceding and following pause, just as in English we tend to pause for breath before uttering a supra-segmental expression, e.g., ‘Phew!...’, ‘Ugh!...’, ‘Hmm...’, etc., and pause afterward.

